The Sunday School Department of the Chapel of Redemption UMCA, Gaa Akanbi, is a vital arm of the church.  The first Sunday School Class was duly to be imagined by members.  While imaginations ran riot on how it would go, God had prepared the leadership of the unit with a lesson, a venue and the vessels to be used.  What had never been in practice in the entire life of this congregation right from the UMCA Theological College site was to combine all the classes, which before that Sunday had been at least twelve; as one.



By the help of the Holy Spirit, the logistics of coordinating and instructing had been released as assistance to the leadership.  This innovation took place when worship services went on under the tent in 1997.  This was to be the practice for the next one year when the miracle of the Main Sanctuary was ready for use and worship service was held in it.  There was then a movement from rented tents to the canopy constructed by the Chapel.  This bundle of testimonies point at the greatness of the Lord in providing for means of instructing His children all the time.   


With the building of the Main Sanctuary, the classes were regrouped into five classrooms namely: Nursery class, Junior Primary, Senior Primary, Junior Secondary and Senior Secondary. The Nursery class is for children below the age of 6 years, Junior primary is for children who are in classes II and III in their schools. The senior primary is for those in primary IV – VII. The secondary school section was divided into the Junior and Senior Secondary school, for those in JS I – III and SS I – III.  More teachers and facilitators came in.  God raised an army for Himself from among us.


The nursery class was established to free mothers for worship services and through this arm, more workers were added to the Sunday School from among the young families.  The Aunties and Uncles class is another testimony of God reaching those who came in as house-helps but have assumed the status of children.  These were boys and girls who could hardly communicate in English but they received special attention and were taught in the mother tongue of Yoruba as a medium of instruction for these ones.  Tremendous growth had been noticed within this group and the congregation often marvels at the spirit-filled ministration that emanated from time to time.  University graduates, teachers and fashion designers and even Sunday school teachers have sprung up from this group. God has helped COR children after their graduation from the secondary schools, to integrate into the “big church”.


Children’s Department has been blessed with a large block of one storey building which has been specially equipped to take the children right from the Nursery section, up to the secondary. The facility has helped in ministering to these young ones in the language they understand. In being computer compliant, God has helped the department to acquire a projector from which programmes are projected.





God’s word in Psalms 8 is demonstrated in the Nursery section which we jokingly refer to as the “owo mi tontolo” (my little hands) class.  Eyes have not seen nor ears heard how God has through different Bible story teachings, using visual aids to help children understand the lessons have manifested His greatness.  In fact scripture memorization, Bible-learning activities and games to drive home the main emphasis of the day’s lesson allowed the little ones to know and love God.  With the learning of new relevant and easy to learn songs for their age group usually taught from time to time, has taught God’s moral and spiritual ways to the hearts of these little ones.


God has helped children in the Junior and Senior primary sections, to accept Christ as Lord and Saviour.  With the help of God, these children have attained puberty and come to realize their sexuality.   An annual event conned as Damuteen (Daddies, Mummies and Teenagers) is held to promote understanding between parents and their children.  This forum has over the years helped to cement their relationship.  


God has raised His army to lead His children, as Sunday School Teachers are born again (John 3: 3 – 5); have vision and believe that children can be saved and live godly lives; are dedicated and vessels of honour (2 Tim. 2: 19-21); love children and know God’s Word and are able to bring same to the understanding of the children according to Bible standard and are modest in character and presentable.


These ingredients in the lives of the teachers, inspired by the Holy Spirit, have helped in shaping the lives of the children into a future filled and directed by Christ.  Due to God’s faithfulness over the years, the teachers in all the classes have gone through different training in Child Evangelism either from Children Evangelism Ministry or Children Evangelism Fellowship. We thank God that His Word which says “iron sharpenth iron”, has prompted teachers, apart from the basic training in child evangelism, to attend different seminars and retreats organized by CEM and COR.  These seminars included: “How to minister to babies; “How to teach children to read, and study the Bible”; “How to teach children to pray”; “How to reach the teenagers and help them cope with issues of life” and “How to help children to be independent like teaching the teenagers to turn their passion to gain”.


With God working His miracle in our midst, some of the aunties have come to know and have a relationship with Jesus. Some of them are now married and doing well with their families. With a heart of gratitude to God we have a testimony of at least two of our aunties who received Jesus as Lord and Saviour and also are married to born again Christians and one of them is now serving as a Sunday School teacher in her church. Praise the Lord.



God, the Covenant Keeper has increased the fold spiritually and numerically. Over the years, sons and daughters were born to members and even after years of waiting for the fruit of the womb. With a heart of joy to God, these children grew and become full-grown boys and girls (teenagers) and later proceeded to become married women and men. Hallelujah!


Children who have grown to become undergraduates in the universities, Polytechnics, and higher institutions they attend, have shown leadership traits and their lives have not brought shame to God. As COR children have grown in the knowledge in God’s Word, they have been invited to participate in the Bible Society quiz and have done excellently well. For instance, in 2014 one of our youth who participated in the Bible Society Youth Competition at the zonal level qualified and represented Kwara State at the national level  Also in 2016 children from COR came first at the Teenagers anniversary bible quiz competition organized by UMCATC and came first.


The Children and Sun Beam Choirs, handled by dedicated teachers have ministered beautifully God’s word in music on Sundays and during Christmas cantatas. By the grace of God, these children have also been very active in the Boys and Girls Brigade. They travelled far and wide and God has granted them journey mercies and His favour at local, State and National Brigade camps. God has helped them to be proficient in managing the big Brigade drums. The church is marching on.  Our times of bereavement have been handled with courage and assurance in God. 



The Sunday School Department of COR is marching on and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  God is building His children through the Sunday School to become teachers both within the congregation and in various other places they have opportunities to worship. God’s plan of salvation for all and the teaching received have made children come to know that mission is the heartbeat of God, so they have participated actively in the Chapel mission outreaches.